5 Nov 2013


I didn't know mere hands...
Delicate hands would touch me-
Awaken my heart
Kiss my soul
Suspend my mind...

That mere hands...
Would lock with mine-
Fill me with pleasure
Fill me with pain
Fill me with life...

That they would-
Grasp me like grains of sand
Not tightly though,
Just enough
Enough to not sift through the gaps.

I didn't know mere hands
Delicate hands would-
Exert so much pressure
Leave me to feel
Leave me to breath
Leave me to feel like breathing...

That mere hands-
Your delicate hands...
Would be so understanding...

9 Oct 2013

#2: Sonnentanz (Sun Don't Shine ft. Will Heard)

Coming across this song ages ago...

Later on it cannot get out of my head and I've forgotten the name, artist etc and so I start to google all bits and words of what I think I heard...

Now it's on replay....


I've walked through the valleys of the wilderness in time,
only to find out that you have love in places I can't describe,
I need you, it's the sunrise

I just wanted to let you know,
I love you, don't ever let go,
cos the sun don't shine when you're not around mine,
singing I can never be without you,
without you

Cos the sun don't shine,
the sun don't shine,
yeah the sun don't shine,
the sun don't shine
without you, without you

Through all the space and time,
your love is mine,
but the sun don't shine,
the sun don't shine,
without you, without you

When I saw you rise the other day,
I felt my worries just seemed to melt away,
into you,yeah into you

I just wanted to let you know,
I love you, don't ever let go,
cos the sun don't shine when you're not around mine,
singing I can never be without you,
without you

Cos the sun don't shine,
the sun don't shine,
yeah the sun don't shine,
the sun don't shine
without you, without you

Through all the space and time,
your love is mine,
but the sun don't shine,
the sun don't shine,
without you, without you

4 Oct 2013


Please lift me up when I fall,
Wipe my tears when they cant stop
Kiss my lips when they just cant shut
Call my name when I least expect it

Say a prayer when I think our God is far from close
Write me a letter so I can at least drag myself to the posta
Hug me when I just don't want you close
Call my name when I least expect it

Please take good care of yourself when I'm not around
Say a prayer when you cant even utter a word
Take you time when time is not enough
Look up and just say thank you for....
There is someone out there who values you when you least expect it...


I am
No, I am not
But again-wait,
I am..
That that I wouldn't be
That that I shouldn't be
That that I can't be..

But again,
I am..

That what I feared to be
That what I hoped to be
That what they warned not to be..

But again
I am..

I, the morsel, the nugget
I, the fortress, the anchor

the sun, the rain

I am not!
No, I am not..

But again,

I am,
but still not free...

1 Oct 2013


I can swear by the heavens
That I know him
Well I think I do…

I can swear by my dreams
That he once visited
Or the many times interrupted my thoughts
Making me believe in dejavu

I can swear by my dictionary,
Created a whole set of meaning
A fall of my breasts up and down
A swing of my waist
To unheard tunes of the past
To newly found rhythms

I can swear by my heart
That it indeed-
Plunged back to the deep sea
Back to the flames of doted lust
Back to the valley of the unknown

Yes I swear
And hereby oath
That I know him
Or do I?

Pic Courtesy of Google

(to be continued)

17 Sept 2013

"I am not my hair but it's a major part of me..."

Ever wonder why hair is as fragile as the heart
Ever wonder why a woman is her hair...

Ever wonder why you'd spend ages at the hair dresser
Ever wonder why you'll find solace in a pair of scissors...

Ever wonder why this-or-that went with the look
Ever wonder why dad shaved you bald at the age of one...

Ever wonder why you attached your hair to the letter
Ever wonder why all the men would give you a stare...

I wondered and I learned..

I learned that my hair was me
I still wonder why they say "akili ni nywele"...

I learned that change came from within
I still wonder why there was comfort in the pair of chop-chop-chops...

I learned that change is always achievable
But most of all-
I learned that "I am not my hair but it's a major part of me..."

Pic Courtesy of @thekasichana

6 Sept 2013


A story was to be told
a story of a cocooned spirit and a green heart
a story of clean blood and untapped dreams
a story of the wonders of love.

And so a story was told
a story of a broken heart and torn spirit
a story of rushing blood and beautiful nightmares
a story of all kinds of love.

A story is still going to be told
a story of cants and dos
a story of wills and shants
a story of the only thing left, that matters: love.

Pic Courtesy of Google

2 Sept 2013


As I see you think
As I let you predict
Yes I do think you’re attractive..
Who wouldn’t? 

Pic Courtesy of Google

Your hair
Your tattoos, the meanings
Your physique
Your walk
Your dress
Your eyes.
Your whole silhouette forms as I day-dream.

I appreciate, admire
Respect that you at the least believe
Adore something like I do
A- many- supreme beings?
Something to give you peace of mind
Something to put you to calm
Something to control your fire as it gets outta hand I guess
But my dear love,
I also find it as a future issue
One way or the other
But we'll cross the bridge-
I dearly hope.

A stir you've caused
It's great to know-
Awake is my faint-mind
In a good way though.
Turns a page,
Flips another,
Listens to the commotion of day
Oh dear Mind- It's bedtime can we rest

Well my heart has spoken
I - can’t say ‘m being rebellious
I - don't understand
I - loves obedience...
But you Mr. Loverman,
You have caused a stir
A free spirit I am to become
I saw it as I let you predict...

But bear in mind Mr. Loverman,
There is a lot you'll learn too,
A lot before you strip me bare
A lot you’ll get to know
A lot before you worship me too
A lot to dump
A lot to nurture...

Yours in Body, Mind and Spirit.

12 Aug 2013


I've dug my grave
Got too far deep
Too close to the core of my heart
Too far from the surface of clarity. 

I've dug my grave
Drained all revival springs
I'm almost out of suppl
Too close to heartiness.
Too close to foolishness.

I've dug my grave.
I've fallen again.
Swept away from the existance of one
Now my thoughts are accomodating a second.
Pic Courtesy of Google

I'm digging my grave. 
Searching for-
beckoning from dear wisdom
It seems mind is asleep
 and heart has thrown itself to the ground to play...

Can this be rekindled love...
My sewn heart feeling again...

25 Jul 2013


Clear your thoughts
I'm just man with womb
I'm womb-man
The "b" is silent-
Call me "woman"

(Don’t misunderstand though)

Pic Courtesy of Google

The "b" is silent
But the "b" has voice
It speaketh power to all your actions

But wait-
I'm just man, man with womb...
I'm just wom(b)an

"b" for backward

That's what you say
What you term to "be"
Ideally that I cannot "b"come
I'll stay backward,
Put the spine together,
Help you remember
Help you be inspired
I'll stay back-word!
Be the support
Be your back- rest, dear!
At the same time, you better get your shit together
You better continue going forward.
But wait-
I'm just man, man with womb
I'm just wom (b) an

"b" for beautiful

That's what you say
You get your images
I’m booty-ful
Wait, chill,
I’m "b"-you-full?
I'll accept the term
Not termed on your "b"liefs though
Just beautiful- fair and just
Just beautiful- seldom in soul
A flow of love from me to you
Suppress all the evil kinda beautiful
Make you confident with your walk
Have the right diction with your talk
At the same time, you better get your shit together
You better be moving forward
But wait-
I'm just man, man with womb
I'm just wom (b) an

“b” for [that female dog]

Allow me not to censor this
“b” for bitch…
As much as you,
You want me to “b”-have
Take  my “role”
Stop the nagging
Stop the “b”-chin'
Stop shaming
Be the freak
Be the.. “B”
Wait I’m confused;

I’ll get in touch with my inner “B”
I’ll keep you asserted
I’ll keep you smart
I’ll keep you savvy
That’s what I term bitchin’
And forget not to keep your shit together
Forget not to keep moving forward..
Pic Courtesy of Google

But wait...
I’m just man, man with womb...
I’m wom(b)man...
And you can call me woman..

1 Jul 2013


(This is not a poem)

Sometimes we are imprisoned to what we want and what we think is right.
Sometimes we live and swear by Y.O.L.O and live in the shadows of day-to-day living.
(I'm not saying it's wrong but...)
Sometimes it just clouds our thoughts/ our set path to destiny.
Sometimes we really don't know how deep we are digging our graves, and at times we really are moving far and far into a labyrinth that we think is the right path.

At times, we are great and inspiring.
At times we are lonesome and the so-called anti-social kind.
And at many of times we do try to get back to the path with daily, weekly, monthly, annually, maybe a decade of resolutions.
We at first stick to the plan then somewhere down the line- don't know what happened.

Many at times...
(and I echo this)
We choose to trust and rely on our own understanding(s)
And with less talk forget we are just mortal...
Forget there is actually someone or something supreme we believe in
Someone/ Something who guides or tries to guide us day-in day-out...
Whatever your spirituality...

Well, I chose this day to be some sorta turning point and  to actually work onwards
Onwards the GREAT-I-AM to be...
(with God's help that is.)
For I believe
I am an image of him above and a proud daughter of two good and true friends.
Not forgetting all the people who have and took or will take roles in  my life.
Roles to still critic me:
The turning point, that's what I call it, that's what it is.
The turning point to always remember the Me, (http://tkkay.blogspot.com/2013/05/myself-me.html) and appreciate it;
To always nurture the I, (http://tkkay.blogspot.com/2013/06/myself-i.html) and appreciate it.
The turning point to believe in MYSELF as an image of HIM above.