"Gentleness" ...A word, we might have all hammered to our heads while reciting the Fruits of the Holy Spirit either in Church or compulsory religious education in our schools. it all went like "Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness... and Self-control". Well you can refer to Galatians 5:22-23
Going all grammar Nazi, the word is deprived from the word "Gentle";
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɛnt(ə)l/
Gentle: adjective (gentler, gentlest)
2 moderate in action, effect, or degree; not strong or violent:take some gentle exercise a gentle breeze
Well consider the words used: mild.. kind... tender... temperament... character... moderate... 'strength'... noble... courtesy... chivalry...
Ever think of why we're always raised to be gentlemen and gentle-ladies or why mum always told us to wait for the food to be set on the table.
Ever think of why patience is ever tested in an interview, or while standing on some queue or why there is a procedure to everything. Not forgetting that is when you really dont wanna here those words "be patient"..
Ever wonder of why you love the time you're eating one good meal, or drinking your cold 'Tusker' after a long day..
Ever wonder why you pick up litter and throw it to the been or why you helped the lady across the street, or what made the ladies to go to the nerdy guy who listens..
Think of any situation, call me a hippie or lost in thought, I'll tell you to imagine the time you were just calm and lost in a moment (*and you suddenly felt happy*) or the time you are patiently waiting for something you really wanted so bad (*then you got it*) or the time you were most vulnerable (*and you shed some tear*) ..
I can't or won't know if you see what I see, but the words used in describing the act of being gentle, actually choose who we become and who we are meant to be. They shape up the character that society approves of, they set up the person that God wanted you to be, they mould the character that you will later instill to your kids (if you planning to go down that route).
I can't or won't know if you see what I see, but the words used in describing the act of being gentle, actually choose who we become and who we are meant to be. They shape up the character that society approves of, they set up the person that God wanted you to be, they mould the character that you will later instill to your kids (if you planning to go down that route).
In the contrary, it's not always easy to be gentle. Sometimes we get angry or selfish or really want it so bad... but have you ever thought of how you would react if pushed to the wall, or being in that state of "being under pressure", or when the other to you is being selfish, or always in a temper or pushing you around... How would you feel? ... Well it was just a thought.
Lets just say GENTLENESS is power in control; GENTLENESS is strength.
Allow your heart to be moved so that it becomes more gentle over time.
Lets just say GENTLENESS is power in control; GENTLENESS is strength.
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Allow your heart to be moved so that it becomes more gentle over time.
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