“Burdened with light
with unbearable
Memories deep and
Memories both sweet
and sour
Memories that define
me as woman or you as a man.”
This is what happens when I over think. Well they say that
females have the tendency to daily over think in any pertinent matter so I
better be pardoned. I do love the feel though, who doesn’t? (you can raise your
hand)The rush of the greatest of memories made from the smallest and
un-imaginable moments. May it be after that weird fight with dear mum, and
later laughing off the phase you crossed of “how stupid you are..” Or may it be
that moment with your #mainchick or #maindude (just had to copy paste the TT).
You get the drift though... Memories make us to have a picture of the far we
have come… The wrong choices we have made and well it gives as the pace to
being the great person we are meant to be, they are ‘YOU!’
“Loaded with words
Words both grievous
and joyful
Words bringing both
life and the after life
Words that forbid Hades
and refresh Heaven.”
It is so definite, out comes thoughts and memories through
speech and finally what we call communication. They biblically allude that the
tongue is one powerful organ, well I believe that too . Anyways, I’m also over
thinking on the words I just say without thought, (many times thanking God that
they were spoken to some Amicus!) Words that I so regret but ah! Life goes on,
the past is the past. Words that console some, Words that seal business deals,
Words that build you, Words that are drilled into your head and define you (I’m
keeping to my positive lanes). Well words again let you be, they are ‘YOU!’.
#LastWords: Keep to positive thoughts, positive words. It is
indeed helpful when you are meant to think twice before you talk. It is indeed
lovely to have memories to word about! #KeepWarm
i love that..those words are so real
Great you think so... I love mutual understanding.. :)
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